Emma Flannery

As a student at Mizzou getting my degree in Journalism with an emphasis in Writing and Reporting, I’ve spent my fair share of days sitting in front of a computer, writing stuff down. Sometimes, I’m writing feature stories on particularly scary looking fish, or others I’m writing the newsletter copy for Mizzou’s study abroad office. But no matter what it is I’m writing, I bring my creative spirit and passion for the written word with me. Because personally, I think everything should be written down. And written well.

Some fun facts:

(To make me stand out)

I am probably the biggest pop-culture nerd ever. I am like an IMDB, Shazam, Google reverse image search, and Pinterest board all in one. Need to know the name of that One Actress Who Was In That One Thing? I got you.

I am a huuuuuuuge music person. I can’t get enough. The first thing I do when I wake up is turn on some music. Spotify Wrapped day IS my Super Bowl.

I have a bit of a Diet Coke addiction. I’m working on it. But why would I give something up that brings me so much joy?

I absolutely love shopping second hand! Vintage, thrifting, consignment…whatever you want to call it. I love finding stuff that’s a little bold, a little quirky, and putting together unique outfits that no one else has.